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Provençal Cooking with Herbs, $50

Sept 26, 2019 (6-8pm)

LOCATION: Giant Eagle Demonstration Kitchen, 3061 Kingsdale Center, Upper Arlington


Celebrate late summer’s bounty of herbs with four different sweet and savory recipes from southern France. We learn to cook with herbs using different techniques. Tomatoes and summer vegetables are a staple on the Provençal table, so we begin with petit farcis- mini tomatoes and veggies stuffed with an herbaceous breadcrumb mixture. This is followed with delicious surf and turf classics of herbed chicken in tarragon butter sauce hailing from the northern parts of France and rosemary skewered tuna, a specialty of the Riviera. We end with a dish similar to bananas foster, but using peaches flambéed with brandy and topped with zingy herbs. This class includes a demonstration style class in which you eat the completed meal, a glass of wine or appropriate pairing, and recipes. Contact Shawnie with questions: shawniekelley@gmail.com



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