Discover Cape Cod Seminar

By |2018-06-12T14:20:26-04:00March 10th, 2016||

Travel writer and author of Discover Cape Cod, Shawnie Kelley recounts the most captivating moments in the history of the storied Cape, paired with an awesome photographic slideshow. She regales you with exciting tales of pilgrims and pirate treasure, revolutionaries and artists, shipwrecks and lighthouses. Explore historic homes, culinary traditions, cranberry bogs and learn about [...]

Roman to Renaissance: Italy’s Cultural Legacy – Oct. 28

By |2014-09-24T18:24:21-04:00September 24th, 2014||

Travel back through time with Shawnie Kelley, Travel Writer & Architectural Historian, as you explore Italy's architectural, artistic, and culinary evolution from the Eternal City to the Birthplace of the Renaissance. Revel in Italy’s storied cultural legacies, from Roman ruins and medieval masterpieces to tasty Tuscan traditions and the Renaissance riches of Florence. Slide presentation and color handouts.
