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What the Fourth of July is to the United States, Bastille Day is to France. Not unlike our American Independence Day, France celebrates the symbolic end of its monarchy on July 14 (1789) with fireworks, family fun, and a fabulous feast. This class fête menu includes dishes that embrace, yet easily translate into our own picnic culture.

While living in Nice, I attended my first Bastille Day picnic with a friend’s family in St. Tropez. I recall thinking that the food, activities, and general vibe were a variation on our Fourth of July gathering. Grills were going, salads and desserts lined the tables, and drinks were flowing- but there was something a tad different. The dishes seemed lighter and less meat driven. I selected these recipes because the ingredients can easily be found in our local markets and, to my mind, represent a celebratory outdoor fête in France.

We begin with colorful, grilled Ratatouille Boats, which take on a more salad-like small bite, than a hearty stew. And what’s a picnic without Potato Salad? Our mayo-free recipe elevates the potato to a tasty new level with tarragon and white wine. As does our mayo-less Apple-Fennel Slaw.  For dessert, Tart Les Demoiselles – a traditional upside down tart topped with seasonal, caramelized fruit. A summery French wine is paired.

Throughout the cooking demonstration, Shawnie discusses the historical background of the Bastille Day Celebration, while comparing and contrasting the ways we celebrate our national days of Independence. She also shares a slideshow of festive photos from her Bastille Day experiences while living in France. Vive la France!


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